Mycollegemax benefit for parents
MyCollegeMax is a program that assists students AND parents with successfully transitioning from high school to college and college to career. There are a number of parent-focused features of MyCollegeMax that will assist parents with transitioning from parenting a high school student to parenting a college student to celebrating a college grad! The following items are included with membership.
- Parent Blog: There will be a parent blog that will focus on topics that relate to you as a parent as well as information that is valuable to your child.
- Twitter:
- Parent Information: Most parents find new challenges as a parent when their child graduates from high school and heads to college. MyCollegeMax offers a number of resources specific to parents to help you better understand how you can assist your child with developing independence while continuing to be a valuable resource in her or his life.
- Q&A: MyCollegeMax offers a Q&A section where parents questions will be answered and posted on the site with links to additional resources.
MyCollegeMax is committed to helping students and parents with achieving success for their families. We know this information will prove extremely valuable to you and your child and look forward to doing what we can to partner with you to cultivate your child's success. That's our promise to you.